View Full Version : President Fernandez likely to run again?

01-04-2011, 03:30 PM
Writing in today's Listin Diario, political commentator Guarionex Rosa says that during a meeting with media editors at the Presidential Palace, President Leonel Fernandez said he could seek the PLD candidacy in the 2012 elections if the referendum mechanism were to be used. He told the editors that he would not seek to modify the 2010 Constitution. The 2010 Constitution bans consecutive presidential election while establishing the mechanism of a referendum.

Nevertheless, Rosa writes that on the question of the referendum, Art. 210 of the 2010 Constitution cites the cases when it can and cannot be used: "Popular consultations using the referendum mechanism are regulated by a law that will determine all relative to their celebration, with the following conditions: These will not be on the approval nor revoking of the mandate of any elected or designated authority; will require a previous congressional approval with the vote of two thirds of the legislators present in each chamber." The consultation will be to vote "yes" or "no."

Rosa believes that "simply seen" to overcome the impediments in that clause will be difficult. But he speculates that the President is likely to secure the necessary two-thirds of the legislative vote to pass the referendum asking Dominicans if he should be allowed to run in 2012.

Rosa speculates that the opposition is regrouping its forces. He mentions "lots of noise" in the campaign for the PRD presidential candidacy by Miguel Vargas Maldonado versus former President Hipolito Mejia. The 2010 Constitution enabled Hipolito Mejia to run for President again. Rosa speculates that Hipolito Mejia is the preferred contender by Fernandez.

Rosa also comments that Fernandez has a comfortable margin in his party to decide who the presidential candidate will be, given that his leading adversary is Danilo Medina. "However you look at it, a large number of those who want President Fernandez to seek re-election fear that a lesser candidate of the PLD could lead the way to the PRD winning the presidency, which would be a political catastrophe and the loss of thousands of jobs for them," he concludes.

www.listin.com.do/puntos-de-vista/2011/1/3/172182/Leonel-podra-repostularse-si-logra-vencer-obstaculos (http://www.listin.com.do/puntos-de-vista/2011/1/3/172182/Leonel-podra-repostularse-si-logra-vencer-obstaculos)

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