View Full Version : Scholarships for Dominicans

01-06-2011, 04:30 PM
These are the best of days for deserving university students. The Ministry of Education under President Leonel Fernandez has given priority to awarding costly scholarships so that Dominicans can undergo further studies abroad. The Ministry of Higher Education (MESCyT) announced that in 2011 1,000 students would study abroad, a RD$700 million investment in their future. In the DR, the Ministry is awarding scholarships at the state university for RD$70 million to 1,200 deserving Dominican students. Another RD$1.2 billion will benefit students participating in English language immersion programs.

As reported in Listin Diario, since 2005 when the foreign scholarships program began, the Ministry of Higher Education has granted 8,000 scholarships abroad. Last year 1,345 Dominicans were sent to study abroad. In the DR, 13,000 Dominicans benefited from scholarships at the state university.

Higher Education Minister Ligia Amada Melo said that the scholarships are aimed at providing opportunities for the most talented students who could not afford to study abroad. She said that 15,000 young people have graduated from the scholarship programs over the past five years.

Scholarships are awarded for the following courses: Health (32%), Education (15%), Business (14%), Engineering and Architecture (8%), ICT (6%), Arts (5%), Humanities (4%), Law and Political Sciences (4%), Economy & Finances (4%), Basic & Applied Sciences (2%), Environment (1%), Agriculture & Veterinarian Sciences (1%). See http://www.seescyt.gov.do/default.aspx

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