View Full Version : Luperon tragedy

01-06-2011, 04:30 PM
Esteban Venancio Castillo Polanco, father of the late Michael Castillo who was killed by a shot fired on New Year's Day, would like justice to be done. The main suspect in the case is Baltimore Orioles relief pitcher Alfredo Simon. Castillo Polanco says the family has no interest in destroying Simon's career but understands that there should not be impunity in their son's case. The Castillo and Simon families were friends, as reported in Hoy. "We do not seek to hurt the boy. My intention was that he continue his career, but if he is guilty, then he should pay for the crime he committed," he said. He hopes that the Prosecutor General office can establish what happened. "Someone who is in jail can get out, but my boy is dead and will not return," he lamented, as reported in Hoy.

Nevertheless, Juana Almonte, mother of Michael Castillo, visited the assistant prosecutor at the Department of Children, Marisol Tobal Williams to demand justice in the case of her son. As reported in Listin Diario, she said the ballplayer, who plays with the Gigantes del Cibao in the DR "has tried to bribe the victim's father with a million-peso sum so that the accusation is revoked," she said. She mentioned that Simon offered RD$2 million to the family before he turned himself in to the Police. Later they were visited with a RD$7 million offer.

Michael Castillo's brother, 17-year old Starlin Castillo was injured in the shooting.

Michael Castillo lived in Germany and was home for the holiday. The tragedy has moved the community.

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