View Full Version : Alburquerque says he is next

01-12-2011, 03:10 PM
Vice President Rafael Alburquerque seems to think that he is next in line if President Leonel Fernandez decides against seeking re-election. Several in the PLD have expressed their interest in running for President in 2012. The 2010 Constitution prohibits consecutive presidential election, but Fernandez's supporters are pushing for a modification that would allow him to seek re-election. The ruling PLD party holds the majority in Congress.

Alburquerque told El Caribe reporters that as the President's closest ally, he is the logical choice for the post. Alburquerque made his comments at the Multimedios del Caribe weekly luncheon meeting.

He also touched on details of the Constitutional Court and the social services that the government is providing to alleviate poverty, which he directs. He said that he was the person to continue the government's policies and maintain their achievements such as the modernization of the capital, the fight against poverty and the macroeconomic stability.

Alburquerque defended the right of judges retiring from the Supreme Court of Justice to be members of the Constitutional Court. In contrast, constitutional expert Eduardo Jorge Prats says that the Constitution establishes that the same requirements in place for the Supreme Court are maintained for the Constitutional Court. He said that Art. 187 of the Constitution establishes that to be a judge of the Constitutional Court the "same conditions" required to be a judge of the Supreme Court are in place. That is judges over the age of 75 cannot be appointed. There is speculation that the PLD majority that will be elect the judges for the Constitutional Court intend to recycle several judges who favor the PLD and who are retiring from the Supreme Court of Justice, seeking their votes for a motion that would enable President Leonel Fernandez to be the PLD candidate in 2012 presidential election, as reported in El Caribe. Thirteen judges need to be elected to make up the Constitutional Court. Regardless, members of the PLD will have the final say to choose the members of the Constitutional Court.

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