View Full Version : Los Palmeros monument

01-12-2011, 03:10 PM
Commuters along Las Americas Expressway at Km.14 can see a billboard with four faces of young men but no names. These are the faces of Amaury German Aristy, Bienvenido Leal (La Chuta), Ulises Ceron Polanco and Virgilio Perdomo Perez - the four members of the Resistance Commandos, later known as Los Palmeros. In 1972, the group sought to topple the 12-year government of President Joaquin Balaguer by taking up arms, using a cave in the area as their base. The Army, the Air Force and the Police discovered their hideout and the four young men were shot dead. German Aristy's widow, Sagrada Bujosa, has promoted the construction of a monument in their memory at the site. A mass will be held at the Church of Las Mercedes in Santo Domingo's Colonial City at 7pm today.

See: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSo9u_yyVwU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSo9u_yyVwU)

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