View Full Version : Other Fair halted by police

08-28-2006, 05:50 PM
The "Other Fair" that was supposed to show the reality of the Dominican Republic according to its organizers, was halted by members of the police. The fair was supposed to take place in the Duarte Park in downtown Santo Domingo, and its organizers, mostly university students, planned to exhibit their views of President Fernandez' two years in office. Economist Hecmilio Galvan was jailed briefly over the weekend but he was released. The student-led fair was supposed to present a contrast to the much bally-hoed "Ten Years of a Vision" fair that the government put on recently at the Livestock Fairgrounds in Santo Domingo. Other Fair organizers Guillermo Pena and Milly Uribe called the closure a "gag on free expression." They denied that there were any political implications in the alternative fair.

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