View Full Version : Colonial Zone and the decrees

08-28-2006, 05:50 PM
Representatives of the many tourist oriented businesses in the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo have requested a meeting with the Minister of the Interior and the Police to discuss just how the Presidential decrees limiting the sale of alcoholic drinks is affecting their livelihoods. According to Luis Brocker (Pat'e Palo), sales have dropped by as much as 50%, amounting to millions of pesos worth of losses. Brocker told El Caribe reporters that many of the businesses that belong to the Colonial Zone Restaurant Association are being forced to ask customers to leave their establishments to avoid having confrontations with police armed with machineguns, which terrorize the tourists. According to the executive, the month of August has seen a 50% decrease in business, and since the area is a tourist Mecca, it should receive the same treatment as the tourist areas. According to Brocker and other members of the association, the presence of armed military and police personnel telling the owners to close at midnight obliges the restaurants to start the process at 11 pm

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