View Full Version : Move over gasoline, LPG rules

08-30-2006, 02:50 PM
It's kind of difficult to find a "publico" or taxi that does not use LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) as fuel. Some estimates put the number of businesses that install LPG equipment in cars at 300 or 325. The reason is purely economic: propane is much cheaper then gasoline. Neither is it difficult to find late-model cars and SUVs lined up at LPG stations, and they are not buying gas for cooking. The equipment installers and importers are estimating that 95% of all public transport cars and vans are going to use LPG. Official numbers indicate that LPG consumption has risen by 24% in recent months, while regular gasoline sales have dropped by 40%. Official estimates place the number of vehicles using LPG at 36,000. The tax collector has lost RD$4.0 billion as a result of the decrease in gasoline sales.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)