View Full Version : A prodigious mind at work

08-30-2006, 02:50 PM
Television personality Lissette Selman was impressed by the tales she heard about young Rolkin Israel Lorenzo Jimenez. She became even more impressed while interviewing him on her show "Latitude Zero" (Telesistema, Channel 13). The young man, just 14, from Maria Trinidad Sanchez (Nagua) province stood out from the moment he started answering questions. His knowledge of history and his ease of expression made him the darling of the television cameras. As the young man walked out of the dressing room, he recognized journalist Orlando Gil, a Listin Diario columnist, whom he greeted, telling him that he enjoyed reading his column every day. After answering the very first question, the personnel in the studio paid close attention to their monitors, fully amazed at young Rolkin Israel's intellectual capacity. According to Listin Diario, all other work around the studio halted during the entire filming of the interview. A small child who does not look his age, Rolkin Israel has his plans all laid out. In three years, when he finishes high school, he will enroll at a university and study law and political science and then begin a career in politics. His plan calls for a municipal council seat, then the mayor's job, then a deputy in Congress and after a few years, the Presidency. He stated his goal quite clearly: "To serve the country." When he said that one of his first moves would be to reduce poverty, he answered the unasked question. "You will ask how this will happen. Well, by creating jobs, by applying a plan of social assistance that reduces the cost of basic needs and facilitating housing for the poor."

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