View Full Version : Senators spent millions on assistants

09-01-2006, 03:50 PM
Members of the former Senate spent more than RD$7 million monthly on their payroll of assistants, funded by taxpayers' money. A total of 817 people were employed by the Senators, according to a report by Clave weekly newspaper. Many of these employees did not carry out any specific functions. Some were relatives of the Senators. Most received salaries of between RD$1,080 to RD$10,000 per month, although in some exceptional cases, monthly salaries of RD$14,000, RD$16,000, RD$20,000 and even RD$30,000 were paid. The two Senators with the largest amount of funds assigned to their personal payrolls were Andres Bautista Garcia (Espaillat) with RD$620,695 monthly, Jesus Vasquez Martinez (Nagua) with RD$445,765 monthly, and Cesar Diaz Filpo (Azua) with RD$455,100 monthly.

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