View Full Version : Many doubt 'Baby Doc' role in Haiti

01-18-2011, 02:30 PM
Although former dictator Jean Claude Duvalier's return to Haiti has provoked a storm of conjecture and expectations, many Haitian and Dominican politicians do not think that his presence influences or changes the situation of disaster and poverty in the neighboring country or believe it will affect stability in the DR.

Others, while recognizing his right to return to his homeland, acknowledge that his presence will increase political uncertainty, which could be exacerbated with the possible arrival in the next few days of the former President Jean Bertrand Aristide. Haitian senator Rudolph Henry Boulos said that while he recognized Baby Doc's right to return, he is also sure that no substantial changes will come about.

"For me this does not make any sense. It is a return that will do nothing to improve matters for the Haitian people; it will not ease their problems, and could do more harm than good. It could provoke more sensitivity", he stated. He dismissed any real chance of the former dictator returning to power, since everything is concentrated on the second round of voting which will elect the new President, as President Rene Preval finishes his term on 7 February.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#15)