View Full Version : All quiet on border after Duvalier arrival

01-19-2011, 03:00 PM
The situation in the border areas was normal yesterday after the arrest of former Haitian dictator Jean Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc) in Haiti. Nonetheless, Dominican military personnel at the posts along the border are maintaining a sharp watch, according to reports, although there has been no reinforcement of the vigilance as had been announced. The Vice-President of the Republic, Rafael Alburquerque, said yesterday that the country is alert to any social situation that might occur in Haiti as a result of the former dictator's return.

According to reports from the province of Dajabon, the situation was calm and the Haitians who live on the Dominican side of the border were going about their normal lives.

An officer from the Specialized Frontier Security Corps (Cesfront), who spoke on the condition that he would not be identified, told Diario Libre that everything was normal, despite the increased alert. He also confirmed that they had still not reinforced the military watch on the Dominican-Haitian border. "The situation is normal in the frontier area, but we are keeping our guard up", the officer reiterated.

Jesuit priest Regino Martinez, an activist for the rights of Haitian immigrants, confirmed the normality of the situation in Dajabon. He told reporters that it was necessary to wait until things calmed down in Haiti before taking any action. Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez questioned Duvalier's arrival and quipped that the only thing missing was for "Aristide and Namphy to arrive", referring to other exiled or deposed Haitian rulers. The local press followed closely the reports that Duvalier was at the Port-au-Prince district attorney to answer questions from the prosecutor. Duvalier was accused of embezzlement during his 15 years in power (1971-1986).

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