View Full Version : Dad Scammed at the Europa

05-01-2004, 10:47 AM
My dad decides to make the trip to the DR before I do-Bastige and although he invited me over, I was tied up with work and upcoming final exams.
So Thursday night he leaves his room to go down to the reception to tell the guy working that he has to leave at 6am and wants to check-out now onetime, dude says sure and gives my dad the bill, to which my dad notices its less than what he expected and pays his bill and goes back up to his room and goes to sleep. About 2 hours later his phone rings, its "Paco" from reception, "I made a mistake and undercharged you." So my dad goes downstairs and tries to pay with his credit card, no luck, CCmachine "no trabaja", cool, he grabs a taxi and gets a ride to the ATM, takes out some pesos and goes back.
He pays "Paco" and goes up to his room, his keycard dont work, he tries and tries, nada, he goes to paco and says WTF, Paco gives him new card, still no luck, my dad is tired has an early flight, and i getting Irate, goes downstairs, "look pedejo WTF," Paco goes up with a new swipe, nowork. Paco has a key for next door, "You can stay here," "No cabron, I am out of here b4 6am and I need my stuff, which by the way is next door," dad has brainfart and goes to balcony.
Dad contemplates crossing to the next balcony to his room, Paco volunteers to brincar to the next balcony, "Ok pendejo do it!" He makes it over and opens the door,"Voila, senor," "thnx, beat it pendejo." the Parental unit decides to finally catch some sleep. The next morning he gets into the taxi and its the same guy who picked him up from airport, and has to pay a balance, no problem, reaches into his pockets and nada, no money, no drivers liscence, no CCs, nada.
He is late and has to get to airport, fuck it, whips out his cell and calls "Bob" a connected gringo whos done personal security for my dad before on trips to SA, Bob says no problemo Jefe I got it covered, upon hearing this and knowing that even though Bob is pushing his mid fifties, he doesnt think twice before whipping out his aging billyclub nor his sigsaur, cool.
Dad is back in VI and gets a call from Bob, he is in the shitter so I take the call, SO WHAT THE FCK VIEJO, did you find my oldmans sh!t. You know it kid, blazed down there with "Erminio"and rounded up the staff and after some appropriate persuasion, some mamon chimes in "Oh I think I saw it" and speeds off to get it, comes back with this bundle, its a pair of your dads shorts with his money, CCs, ID..., so Ill mail it to him this afternoon.

anyways thnx for your time.

05-01-2004, 05:14 PM
It's good to have "enforcers" on the payroll!!

05-01-2004, 09:20 PM
That's a hell of a story.