View Full Version : Trade challenge

09-05-2006, 06:10 PM
The Dominican Republic faces the challenge of curtailing the slipping market share of exports among DR-CAFTA signatory countries, writes Mario Mendez in an analysis in yesterday's Hoy newspaper. He says that from a 41.8% market share in 1989, the country has slid down to a 24.9% market share, according to June 2006 data from the United States International Trade Commission. In 1989 Dominican exports amounted to US$1.63 billion, of a total of US$3.91 billion in the region. By 2004, Dominican exports had increased to US$3.29 billion, but total trade by DR-CAFTA countries had increased to US$17.42 billion. "That is, while DR exports grew by 101.4% during this period, the total exports of all signatory countries increased by 345%," he writes. He said that the average share of Dominican exports to the US was 30.9%, which is below the 40% the country had maintained until 1991.
The USITC figures rank the Dominican Republic as the eighth largest exporter to the US and the 6th largest importer, after Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia.
Today, DR-CAFTA country trade totals US$32.4 billion, or 4% of the total US trade with the Western Hemisphere.

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