View Full Version : 15% wage hike needed

01-26-2011, 03:00 PM
In order to recover the purchasing power that Dominican workers lost between July 2009 and December 2010, salaries would have to be increased by 15%, according to calculations by several economists. Despite this situation, workers who struggle to live on minimum wages apparently do not have any expectations of getting increases in the near future. According to El Caribe, the head of the National Committee on Salaries (CNS), Gloria Henriquez, said on Tuesday that this agency has given strict compliance with what is established by the Law, and she cited articles 452 and adherence to the Dominican Labor Code that establish that the CNS should revise the salary agreements every two years unless there is an exceptional situation. This request for a review of salaries has to come from one of the parties involved: management, the government or from the workers' organizations. So far, this has not happened. The current wage scale was worked out in July 2009 and endorsed by the parties on 30 July 2009. Judging by the date of the last revision, it is not the time for a new one, but the public outcry for improvement in wages might force an early consideration of the issues at hand.

Business leaders are advocating for the government to cut the cost of doing business, which could be achieved through reductions in the cost of cargo transport monopolies, electricity, taxes and bureaucracy.

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