View Full Version : Fidias Aristy to continue at LMD

01-27-2011, 03:30 PM
Writing in Diario Libre's page two editorial, director Adriano Miguel Tejada comments on the latest scandal involving the Dominican Municipal League, an organization created in the 1930s to provide advisory services to municipal authorities, but whose usefulness is said to have long expired. Tejada writes that the private sector can supply these advisory services with better quality and at much more reasonable costs. The LMD nevertheless receives millions from the central government, supposedly to channel to local governments.

"The League is an economic burden for the municipalities", he writes, concluding that the League is part of the political spoils that only serve to contribute scandals once in a while, as happened yesterday, when the consolation prize awarded to the PRSC proved to be too poisonous for that organization.

He says that a consensus was never reached in the party. Interior and Police Minister Franklin Almeyda, acting for the ruling PLD party, proposed that Fidias Aristy should continue in the post. Tejada writes that this was a win for Amable Aristy Castro who twisted the arm of the party board with the imposition of his cousin to continue to head the LMD.

Aristy Castro headed the LMD for years until he had to leave to accept a senatorial position for the east. Aristy was voted with the support of PLD mayors. He competed against Joaquin Ricardo, the preferred candidate of followers of Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso, Rafaela Alburquerque, Danny Perdomo, Johnny Jones, Luis Bogaert, Sergia Elena de Seliman, Jorge Dargam and Jose Enrique Sued.

Fidias Aristy was elected as interim head in November and has now been confirmed for another year.

The mayors approved a new funds distribution. The League receives 5.4% of the total budget for municipal governments, which adds up to RD$774 million, as reported in Diario Libre. Previously, it was distributed to the Federacion de Municipios (Fedomu) but now will be equally distributed to the Union Nacional de Bomberos (Unabom), a firefighters union.

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