View Full Version : Government laissez-faire re Haiti

01-28-2011, 04:20 PM
In an interview yesterday, Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez told Listin Diario: "I do not believe in the Dominican border. That has never existed." He said the government has had an irresponsible attitude towards regulating migration from Haiti.

Meanwhile, Migration director general Sigfrido Pared Perez said on Wednesday that his department has neither the budget nor the staff to impose any migration controls. His proposal is to create a larger and better-funded Ministry of Migration.

www.elcaribe.com.do/site/nacionales/266767-admite-migracion-no-controla-extranjeros.html (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/nacionales/266767-admite-migracion-no-controla-extranjeros.html)

The Cardinal called on the authorities to tackle the Haitian migration problem in order to prevent future violent actions from occurring. He explained that while mostly good people are migrating, so are many criminals. "Dominicans feel invaded and seek to defend themselves, no one can stop them", he commented. "What I don't like is the violence."

Cardinal said that while it is true that there are border checkpoints, people cross across the mountains and there has always been a massive presence of Haitians, now more are here for survival.

Listin Diario columnist Orlando Gil said, "Dominicans need to pay attention to the problem of the Haitians because the Leonel Fernandez government is not going to do anything for the good, let alone for the bad". He comments: "The head of state takes too much care of his image abroad and is unlikely to take any measures that would favor the locals and affect the nationals of the neighboring country. In speeches no one can best him, but in actions he is totally null. For example, why has the ruling that would allow for the enforcement of the Migration Law not been approved? The Minister of Interior and Police is a bull of a man, but he forgot that task among his obligations. If the ruling is not approved, the law cannot be applied. Only forceful actions can fill that void and that is what is stirring the reaction of international bodies. Going around the circle is the impassivity of the local authorities."

Neighborhood groups in Santiago are taking up arms to defend themselves from illegal migrants from Haiti who have taken up residence in vulnerable areas, near rivers, described as unfit for human habitation and without sanitation facilities. They accuse them of robberies in homes, businesses and farms. The vigilante groups say they are acting because the authorities have been negligent and they need to defend their property.

www.listindiario.com.do/puntos-de-vista/2011/1/28/175155/El-problema-de-los-haitianos-y-la-dejadez-de-las-autoridades (http://www.listindiario.com.do/puntos-de-vista/2011/1/28/175155/El-problema-de-los-haitianos-y-la-dejadez-de-las-autoridades)

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