View Full Version : Monster storm cancels flights

02-02-2011, 03:10 PM
Flight cancellations affected travel from the US to the DR yesterday. Freezing temperatures in Texas caused cancellations out of Dallas Fort Worth, before the snowstorm moved to the East Coast. American Airlines, JetBlue, Continental and Delta flights were cancelled. Alternative connections were possible through Miami, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Operations to Europe continued normally. This is the third bad weather period so far this year. The storm has caused airlines to cancel 6,700 flights as of late Tuesday, more than one-fifth of all scheduled, as reported in USA Today.

Follow Las Americas flights at www.aerodom.com/app/en/frontpage.aspx (http://www.aerodom.com/app/en/frontpage.aspx) and Punta Cana flights at www.punta-cana-airport.com/index.cfm (http://www.punta-cana-airport.com/index.cfm)



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