View Full Version : EU grants DR EUR25M to boost social programs

02-08-2011, 02:20 PM
The European Union disbursed 25 million euros yesterday to be used to support the national budget and social programs in the Dominican Republic, according to a press release from the European Development Fund National Office. The agreement was signed by the head of the European Union delegation in the DR, Irene Horejs and the local European Development Fund Office manager, Domingo Jimenez.

Jimenez said that the government could use the funds in any way it wanted, but especially for programs aimed at reducing and eradicating poverty. Horejs and Jimenez stressed that the disbursement of the funding is contingent upon a development strategy that is expected to be announced by President Fernandez next 27 February when giving his annual state of the nation address to Congress.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)