View Full Version : DR1.COM attracts record number of visitors

02-08-2011, 02:20 PM
On Monday, 7 February, dr1.com (http://dr1.com) received 21,027 unique visitors according to Google Analytics.

The largest percentage of visitors came from North America. The breakdown for the day for visitors was:

USA - 10,603
Canada - 4,700
DR - 3,073
UK - 928
Other - 1,723

DR1 is on track to serve over 5.5 million unique visitors in 2011, making it by far the most popular site for English news and information relating to the Dominican Republic.

The very active DR1 Forums highlight the large amount of traffic on the site. See http://www.dr1.com/forums/

To receive a package on advertising opportunities, write to advertise@dr1.com

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)