View Full Version : Michel Camilo + Tomatito

09-12-2006, 02:30 PM
Dominican jazz pianist Michel Camilo and Spanish flamenco guitarist Tomatito bring their fresh-sounding musical hybrid of flamenco guitar and piano to Dminican audiences with a benefit presentation, Spain Again, this coming Friday, 29 September at the National Theater at 8:30 pm in Santo Domingo and Saturday, 30 September at 8 pm at the Centro Espanol in Santiago. Benefits will go to the Fundacion Saint Jude, Fundacion Oncoserv and the Michel Camilo music scholarship. Camilo grew up in the DR where he received his education as a classic pianist, prior to being known as a straight-ahead acoustic jazz pianist. He has lived in and around NY since 1979. He is known for incorporating a wide variety of distinctly Latin and Caribbean elements in his music. Tomatito lives in Spain, born into a family of gypsies and is recognized as one of that country's top flamenco guitarists. The duo received a Latin Grammy in 2000 for their first CD together, "Spain". This is the first time they will be playing together in the DR. Their relationship goes back to the 1980s when Camilo met Tomatito in Spain. Tickets are for sale at the National Theater for RD$1,000 and RD$750. For more on upcoming events, see http://www.dr1.com/calendar

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