View Full Version : Who will invest in generation?

02-09-2011, 02:50 PM
Celso Marranzini, executive vice president of the State Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) responded to questions from the Dominican Electricity Industry Association (ADIE) asking why the CDEEE had not asked for the sector's input prior to signing an agreement with an Indian company to install a 500 MW generation plant. Marranzini said that the local electrical industry had not invested in new generation plants for years. Furthermore, he added that the program to reconvert the local generators to less expensive and more efficient fuels has been "difficult and very tough". Marranzini was reacting to a press release from ADIE that asked why the Dominican government was seeking investments for a 500 MW generation plant without asking the local companies for their opinion. Marranzini said that doors were always open for the local generator companies to contribute to the increase in power production, especially now that constant government payments have allowed them to recapitalize.

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