View Full Version : ASONAHORES rejects taxes

02-09-2011, 02:50 PM
Both the National Hotels and Restaurants Association (Asonahores), the Santo Domingo Hotel Association (AHSD) and the Housing Constructors and Promoters Association, have all rejected an attempt by the National District Municipality to add to their tax burden. With legal arguments prepared by the firm of Marra, Martinez and Sosa, the associations showed how the two recent municipal ordinances violate the Constitution and exceed the boundaries of the legislative power granted to municipalities.

According to Diario Libre, the municipal ordinances announced in December 2010 sought to levy property taxes on real estate that would be evaluated by a city agency, rather than the national agency responsible for property valuations. The ordinances sought to block all registrations of mortgages, liens, sales and any other operation dealing in property until the taxes in question were paid. The associations presented their case to a special commission of the Senate and said that they would go to the Chamber of Deputies to initiate a process aimed at impeaching Mayor Roberto Salcedo.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)