View Full Version : They let El Duro Motors die

02-09-2011, 02:50 PM
Family members are claiming that the jail authorities did not allow inmate Jose Luis Montas Vargas (a.k.a. El Duro Motors) to receive timely medical treatment. El Duro was involved in the Paya drug trafficking related massacre. President Leonel Fernandez ordered the Justice Department to continue investigations into the death of Montas Vargas yesterday morning at the Francisco Moscoso Puello Hospital. He is said to have died of acute hepatitis and an autopsy will be done to confirm the cause of death. Montas Vargas was serving a 30-year sentence at the La Victoria Prison for his role in the Paya case.

Prosecutor General Radhames Jimenez appointed a commission composed of the district prosecutors from the National District and the province of Santo Domingo, Alejandro Moscoso Segarra and Perfecto Acosta, as well as Director of Prisons Manuel de Jesus Perez Sanchez to investigate the death. He said that the death occurred when doctors at the Moscoso Puello Hospital were about to transfer the patient to the Center for Advanced Medicine (Cedimat).

When Jimenez was questioned about the existence of a list of officials with alleged links to "El Duro Motors", the head of the Justice Department said that he did not have any knowledge of this. He said that all indications pointed to a death from natural causes.

Meanwhile, family members of the deceased complained that he had been left to die in his cell in La Victoria. Isabel Montas said that "El Duro Motors" did not receive the proper treatment and that he had been suffering from a high fever for 18 days, despite efforts by one of his brothers to get him transferred to a medical center.

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