View Full Version : Blue Esmerald penalty: RD$10M

02-11-2011, 04:00 PM
The Ministry of Environment plans to impose a RD$10 million fine on the Blue Esmerald tanker, which suffered engine failure and chose to anchor off Playa Carenero in the Marine Mammal Sanctuary of Samana, a protected area. The ship was carrying a cargo of 306,997 barrels of napthol. It had suffered a breakdown and the Naviera B&R towed it to the beach area. Reports are that the ship left the beach area yesterday. The ship had been in the protected area since 4 February. The ship had left Texas en route to St. Croix.

Listin Diario reported that the Navy assisted the ship with a towboat that removed the ship from the protected area. The ship was authorized to dock near Punta Balandra, Samana. The Dominican Navy inspected the ship and determined it did not pose a risk to Dominican coasts. Repairs were undertaken and the ship was authorized to depart to St. Croix on Sunday, 6 February.

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