View Full Version : President Fernandez to Cuba and USA

09-14-2006, 03:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez left today on a ten-day trip that will take him to Havana, Cuba and to the United States. President Fernandez will be taking part in the 14th Summit Meeting of the Non-Alligned Movement that began on 11 September in Cuba and ends on the 16th. He will then travel on to the United States where on Sunday, 17 he will be in Chicago for corporate, political, academic and media meetings. His Chicago agenda includes a meeting with the authorities of the University of Chicago and its School of Public Policy Studies. He will also attend a dinner for the Advisory Board for Dominican Expatriates in Chicago. On Tuesday, 19 September he will travel to New York City where he is scheduled to speak at the 61st General Assembly of the United Nations on Wednesday, 20 September at 3pm. The plenary session seeks to identify ways of maximizing the development benefits of migration and to reduce difficulties.
President Fernandez will again be one of the Russin Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti law firm-sponsored Dominican Week speakers, with another talk scheduled in NYC later on Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 10:30pm at the Model Room of the New York Yacht Club. The 14th Dominican Week is being held this coming 18 September through 21 September with events scheduled for Washington, DC and New York City. Dominican Week seeks to strengthen the ties between Dominicans and Americans, as well as to encourage bilateral trade and promote the best Dominican values.
On Thursday, 21 September, President Fernandez will take part in a Clinton Foundation forum in New York for the second consecutive year. His agenda for the Big Apple also includes a dinner for the Advisory Board for Dominican Expatriates in New York City.
On Friday, 22 September, President Fernandez will speak to a gathering of around 1,000 Hispanic businesspeople in Philadelphia. In the afternoon, he will travel to Miami for meetings with Florida businesspeople, prior to his return to the Dominican Republic on 23 September.

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09-14-2006, 06:57 PM
Wonder if he'll meet our pyjama-wearing Castro?