View Full Version : Candidates for the JCE

09-14-2006, 03:40 PM
As the Senate prepares for the selection of the electoral judges that will manage the 2008 presidential election, about 50 candidates have made their aspirations known.
The candidates for a seat on the Central Electoral Board (JCE) include members of the 1994 board (Aura Celeste Fernandez and Ramon Vallejo Santelises), part of what is considered the best JCE team ever put together. Members of the 1998 group like Ana Teresa Perez and Chito Asmar Sanchez have also been mentioned for possible selection. Present incumbents (2002-2006) Roberto Rosario, Rafaelina Peralta and Salvador Ramos, would like to continue in their posts.
Clave newspaper explains that the first step to receive the candidate forms, followed by an evaluation process and then the presentation of the pre-candidates to the Senate. Candidates for the JCE must be at least 35 years old, Dominican by birth or origin, and be a practicing lawyer with 12 years experience.
Reynaldo Pared Perez, president of the Senate, said that the number of JCE judges would not be modified for the selection process this time around. He said that there would continue to be nine, divided equally among the Disputes and Administrative chambers. A revision of the Constitution would have been necessary to make this change, he said. There had been proposals to cut the number of judges in half, as the increase in judges in no way contributed to a better JCE.

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