View Full Version : Most earn under RD$10K

02-15-2011, 02:10 PM
Barely 13.5% of the country's 1.2 million workers earn salaries above RD$25,000, while 57% earn less than RD$10,000. Only 174,047 employees earn more than RD$25,000 and most earn less than RD$10,000, a total of 736,208 employees. According to a financial report on the Dominican social security system from the Social Security Treasury, the country has 1,290,581 employees registered as of 31 December 2010. In March 2008 64.7% of employees earned less than RD$10,000 and 8.8% received salaries above RD$25,000.

According to Diario Libre, if only 13.5% are earning more than RD$25,000, this means that 86.5% of workers are getting salaries between zero and RD$25,000. This is why most workers do not have to pay and income taxes. According to the data from the TSS, 200,622 employees, equal to 15.5%, earn between RD$10,000 and RD$15,000, while 103,802 employees, equal to 8% receive salaries of between RD$15,000 and RD$20,000. Employees earning between RD$20,000 and RD$25,000 make up some 75,902, or 5.9%.

In March 2008, workers who earned between zero and RD$10,000 represented 64.7%, and those who earned the most represented 8.8%. People earning between zero and RD$10,000 totaled 64.7%, but in 2010 the percentage dropped by 7.7%, while the numbers of those who earned more than RD$25,000 increased by 4.7%, going from 8.8% in 2008 to 13.5% in 2010.

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