View Full Version : Murdered for a fighting cock

02-15-2011, 02:10 PM
Relatives and neighbors are calling for justice in the case of Wilim Alberto de Jesus Urena Medina, 46, shot dead in an argument over a fighting cock that was killed by a dog belonging to the murderer. According to the Police, Urena Medina, a well-known handler of these prized birds, was asked to look after some fighting cocks by a friend, when a dog belonging to a man known as Aristides came into the yard and killed one of them. Urena Medina asked the man for RD$7,000 in payment for the destroyed prize animal. Aristedes offered RD$2,000 and the argument started, and ended when Aristedes shot and killed Urena Medina. He then fled the scene, and is now on the run. The neighbors sacked his house and were going to burn it down until the Police intervened. Because Urena Medina was known for being a hard worker and well respected in his Santiago neighborhood, there is a widespread call for justice in this case.

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