View Full Version : Cities want more $

02-16-2011, 02:50 PM
The Dominican Republic's economic growth has not trickled down to the income the cities should be receiving from the government. According to Law 163-03, the country's municipalities should receive 10% of the government's tax revenues. According to the head of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities, Victor Jose D'Aza, this provision has not been observed or fulfilled over the last eight years. In the seven years of the PLD government and one year of Hipolito Mejia's PRD administration, the cities have always received less than this 10%. In fact, according to D'Aza, they are currently receiving less than 6%, and he described the law as a "dead letter". Municipal spokespersons say that the lack of funds is affecting all cities, even those controlled by the ruling PLD party. D'Aza also complained that the tourist industry provides little assistance to the towns where there are large tourist complexes.

At the same time, municipal councils have been criticized for misspending funds, excessive employment rather than capital investments, and a general lack of priorities in the application of resources.

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