View Full Version : AIRD and ANJE fear border project

02-16-2011, 02:50 PM
The Dominican Republic Industrial Association (AIRD) and the Young Entrepreneurs Association (ANJE) have expressed concern about the possible fallout from a legislative proposal submitted by Senator Sanchez Roa. The legislation would provide very attractive incentives for industries that establish their operations in the border provinces. This proposal is not unlike Law 28-01 that was mutilated after industrialists and traders in Santo Domingo complained of "unfair trade practices" and the government withdrew some of the incentives, effectively neutering the benefits. This new attempt by Senator Sanchez Roa, according to Hoy, will provide 100% tax-free status for the operations along the border with Haiti. According to Ligia Bonetti de Valiente, this would create unfair competition for local industries. She suggested legislation that could be applied to the entire country, noting that previous attempts to benefit specific sectors had revealed widespread corruption after a certain period of time.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)