View Full Version : Hostels for Haitians

02-18-2011, 03:50 PM
The Armed Forces and the Department of Migration say they have found 808 hostels in Mao and Santiago providing temporary lodging for illegal Haitian migrants while they seek work in the DR. Ministry of Public Health inspectors who accompanied the military and migration staff warned the owners of these establishments that they needed to improve living conditions. 554 of the pensions were located in Mao and 224 in barrios in Santiago. The authorities see them as meeting points for the illegal migrants as they relocate to other areas of the country. "The matter is so serious that 70 Haitians were lodged in one pension," said a Ministry of Public Health spokesperson. The Department of Migration checked documentation and anyone without permission to be in the DR would be deported. The number of deportations in the DR is insignificant compared to the numbers of Haitians who cross the border every year, mainly because of the logistics and cost of the process.

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