View Full Version : Raising crime in Sosua.........

04-28-2005, 08:18 AM
speaking of going your own way at night... Do the chicas still get harassed if they are walking alone in Sosua now-a-days?

04-28-2005, 08:20 AM
speaking of going your own way at night... Do the chicas still get harassed if they are walking alone in Sosua now-a-days?

There are 100's out at night and I am not sure if the crime here is getting worse but I see alot more police activity and they are arresting people for something. I seen them pull theur guns and give chase, as well as tackle others to arrest them. Use caution these days and be aware. Usually there are around 5-7 of use with in shouting range of one another.

04-28-2005, 08:27 AM
speaking of going your own way at night... Do the chicas still get harassed if they are walking alone in Sosua now-a-days?

There are 100's out at night and I am not sure if the crime here is getting worse but I see alot more police activity and they are arresting people for something. I seen them pull theur guns and give chase, as well as tackle others to arrest them. Use caution these days and be aware. Usually there are around 5-7 of use with in shouting range of one another.

Are they aresting girls just for walking... or just the malo hombres?

04-28-2005, 08:30 AM
I think with the peso at 28, crime is raising and they do not have time to bother with just anyone. There are drunks and pickpockets here in full force. The cops are BUSY with them.

04-28-2005, 08:31 AM
I think with the peso at 28, crime is raising and they do not have time to bother with just anyone. There are drunks and pickpockets here in full force. The cops are BUSY with them.

Thats why i wear tight dominican style jeans and wrap my money with a rubberband... It grips the inner part of your pocket so its hard to just slide the money out...

04-28-2005, 08:36 AM
I think with the peso at 28, crime is raising and they do not have time to bother with just anyone. There are drunks and pickpockets here in full force. The cops are BUSY with them.

Thats why i wear tight dominican style jeans and wrap my money with a rubberband... It grips the inner part of your pocket so its hard to just slide the money out...

Bring an old wallet, expired drivers licence and only your beer money. Pay chicas afterwards and see what other mongers are around. We will survive as long as they know we are here in large numbers.

04-28-2005, 08:38 AM
I think with the peso at 28, crime is raising and they do not have time to bother with just anyone. There are drunks and pickpockets here in full force. The cops are BUSY with them.

Thats why i wear tight dominican style jeans and wrap my money with a rubberband... It grips the inner part of your pocket so its hard to just slide the money out...

Bring an old wallet, expired drivers licence and only your beer money. Pay chicas afterwards and see what other mongers are around. We will survive as long as they know we are here in large numbers.

I never ever keep my money in my wallet!... Rubber band is the way to go... I do it in NYC when i go out to the clubs as well..

Don Tomas
04-28-2005, 01:11 PM
I carry money only, especially in Sosua. If I get stopped by the cops I think they can go with me 1-5 blocks to the Palace to get my passport or license out of the safe.

04-28-2005, 05:37 PM
I carry money only, especially in Sosua. If I get stopped by the cops I think they can go with me 1-5 blocks to the Palace to get my passport or license out of the safe.

me too ANd i tend to use BB's rubberband trick. it does work.

04-28-2005, 09:07 PM
I carry just enough cash for drinks and the moto to the hotel. I will have to try the rubberband trick. I havent had any problems with pickpockets yet but I saw a guy yoke a chica up who had just picked his pocket.

04-28-2005, 09:21 PM
I carry paper copies of my DL and passport as ID (with originals in the safe). Also, cargo pants (lots of pockets) work well, so there is no reason to have anything in your back pocket.

04-29-2005, 04:39 AM
speaking of going your own way at night... Do the chicas still get harassed if they are walking alone in Sosua now-a-days?

I have been down the past few weekends and from what I saw it appears that the police are easing up on hassling the chicas. The police are definitely out and about but I did not notice much hassling. Like Jimmy said in a previous post, there is a strong police presence out every night.

I also noticed that the chicas seem to be walking around in pairs or groups more than ever. (Jimmy is the only one I see up and down Clisante scanning the landscape alone at night at 0200!) Unless you are The Stalker who the past few weekends has been traveling around in a car with a group of chicas - including Daisy. Where she got a car from - who knows.

What I did see - which was pretty unusual - was the Tourist Police hassling the Domino Bar. Two weeks ago - either Friday or Saturday night - Dominos had a karaoke thing going on. Not much noise, music was not that loud - everyone having a good time - especially when a chica attempted to sing Hotel California in english. At around 0030 or so the police came into the bar and made them shut it down. Why? - never explained.

I do not whether they are attempting to close Dominos down all together but it surely is not the hopping place it used to be last year. Not many people are there at night and most nights they are closing early - 0100- 0300 or so. I do not know whether it has to do with the new bar Peter opened up across the street - Plaza Alegre - or not.

All the action is definitely taking place down by Sosua Life and Merengue.

04-29-2005, 07:58 AM
I also noticed that the chicas seem to be walking around in pairs or groups more than ever. (Jimmy is the only one I see up and down Clisante scanning the landscape alone at night at 0200!)

I am not really alone, I have over 50 moto conches watching my back. :D

05-03-2005, 10:54 AM
I was down there 2 weeks ago, and heard several chicks talking about how police are stopping them late night if they are alone and without a cellphone...mainly while on their way from from the bars and clubs on Clisante back to whereever they live...the night receptionista at Europa mentioned this as well...wierd.

I have been there 5 time in 2 years and have not seen police f*cking with us personally. My impression is they dont want to bite the hand that feeds them you know...

I am a big black dude from NYC and never had problems. But I've seen others f*cked on dark streets between Europa and Sosua center with semi-regularly...at night, just motoconcho it around instead of walking the streets and you'll be fine...especially when hammered! The occasionaly puta outside the bars will be aggressive (if desperate), but thats really it...

05-03-2005, 11:01 AM
I don't feel like I am going to get robbed in Sosua. It feels safe and I am walking back to the hotel at 3:00 in the morning. Yes some Chicas will walk back to the hotel with you and I hate dealing with the Moto concho guys.

One night last week JD Mine and I were stopped by 2 chicas at Susanna's and they needed some one to walk them to the disco. Apparently the poilce needed to make some cash and were rounding up the girls. The police are not around as much as they were in January and February.

As for Dominos, I don't think they will have to close it down. It will die a natural death all on its own. The new place is managed by Julio the previuous manager of Domino's and the Domino's is practically empty every night. They had a concert on Friday and that brought some people in, but they cleared out afterward.

10-01-2005, 07:34 PM
I forget to mention during my trip in September LE was out in full effect in Sosua every night compared to when to when I was there in June.I

10-01-2005, 07:37 PM
I think they hired quite a few Politur guys. There are many younger guys out, who have to stand out on the street most of the night. They also pull over lots of chicas. I saw them grab 2 on a scooter one night and arrest them.

10-01-2005, 08:06 PM
Here we go again with the Policia crack down! It seems to happen in cycles.

10-01-2005, 08:09 PM
I didn't feel it was a crack down, just more police on staff = more police presence on the street. they were new recruits, (young guys) so I guess they were easy to be forced to stand around all day. They do seem to pick up chicas going around town in the evening.

10-01-2005, 08:11 PM
I didn't feel it was a crack down, just more police on staff = more police presence on the street. they were new recruits, (young guys) so I guess they were easy to be forced to stand around all day. They do seem to pick up chicas going around town in the evening.
I also noticed they have cracked down on the pan-handing big time in Sosua not as mush people harassing you.

10-02-2005, 04:14 AM
There was a lot of politur presence out in August, as well. They weren't harassing the chicas (from what I could see). I welcomed the extra presence.

10-02-2005, 12:29 PM
Why don't the bitch ass police get that ugly pregnant pic pocket whore off the strip? Who fucked that without a rubber?