View Full Version : 32nd Independence Cycling Tour

02-21-2011, 01:50 PM
Augusto Sanchez, winner of the tour in 2010, of the local Aro & Pedal cycling team, won the first stretch yesterday, a closed circuit from Winston Churchill to the Malecon on Sunday of the 32nd Independence Cycling Tour, a Caribbean classic. 14 teams from abroad compete with 10 local teams along the 1,128 kms of races that take them all around the country. Groups from Holland, Venezuela, Colombia among others are competing. For the competition schedule, see http://www.ciclismo.com.do/Art%C3%ADculos/Detalle/tabid/84/ArticleId/912/Recorrido-de-la-XXXII-Vuelta-Independencia-Nacional.aspx


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