View Full Version : Prosecutors under investigation

02-23-2011, 03:00 PM
Yesterday's news story on the decision by deputy prosecutors Hector Romero Perez and Caris Keyla Pena Cordero to release without formulating charges five people who had been identified as assailants by two of their victims has brought some interesting facts to light. The District Attorney for the National District, Alejandro Moscoso Segarra has ordered an investigation into the affair. Listin Diario revealed that deputy prosecutor Romero Perez was removed from an earlier case when he allowed several people to be released without charges after they were accused of a robbery involving more than two million pesos. This occurred in September 2010.

El Nuevo Diario says that the District Attorney has suspended the two prosecutors while the investigation takes place.

One of the two women who were robbed as they returned from a trip abroad also happened to be an editor at Listin Diario. With the weight of the newspaper behind them, the women repeatedly demanded that the National Police track, pursue and arrest criminals only to see them walk away from the courts. The District Attorney has now acted in this case to pursue the investigations.

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