View Full Version : IDB and WB are pushing for sanctions

09-20-2006, 03:10 PM
The Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank are pushing Dominican authorities to impose "exemplary sanctions" on people convicted of bank fraud. This message was conveyed in a brief press release from the international financial agencies. The note, dated 16 September 2006 in Santo Domingo, says that the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank "and other multilateral and bilateral partners" are continuing their support for the Dominican effort to resolve the problems arising from the 2003 banking crisis. The note says that the Baninter fraud precipitated a banking crisis equivalent to 20% of the country's GDP and plunged one and a half million Dominican into poverty. "The multilateral system, which includes the IDB and the WB, is waiting for the decisions that will serve as an example to future generations." The press release also adds that these decisions should not only punish the responsible parties but also produce a climate of confidence that will allow for the rapid economic recovery of the nation.
In August, Paolo Herrera Maluf and Isidoro Santana for Participacion Ciudadana (PC), civic society group, urged that government officers of the past government also be tried for their responsibility in the 2003 bank fraud cases. Speaking at a Jornada Nacional contra la Impunidad de los Fraudes Bancarios held in late August, they mentioned that only a minority has been sent to trial "and many people trashed our judicial order." "All that violated the laws should be penalized," stated Santana, as reported in the Listin Diario on 28 August. PC estimates that Dominicans will be paying taxes for 15 years to cover the bank fraud and its mismanagement by government officers.

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