View Full Version : The attack on dengue continues

09-20-2006, 03:10 PM
With headlines more appropriate to World War II, the nation's newspapers have announced the launch of a nationwide crusade against the Aedes Aegypti mosquito that is the vector for dengue fever. Vice President Rafael Alburquerque headed the ceremonies that launched the attack. The campaign is two-fold. On one front, hundreds of brigades will spray stagnant water, old tires and swampy areas as well as many buildings. Environment Minister Max Puig assures that the insecticides being used are not harmful to humans. The second front is an educational campaign carried out by middle, high school and university students. These young educators are making house-to-house visits to inform people about ways of preventing the propagation of mosquitoes and how to avoid being bitten by the nasties. Called "United Against Dengue" the young volunteers have already covered dozens of barrios in Santo Domingo. The Presidential Press Officer announced that government advertisements would be concentrating on the issues surrounding dengue fever. Rafael Nunez told El Caribe reporters that President Fernandez has instructed him to ensure that all governmental propaganda is aimed at promoting the prevention methods needed to curtail the outbreak.

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