View Full Version : Fernandez re-election not backed

02-24-2011, 03:50 PM
Another finding in the February 2011 Gallup poll is that 69.8% of Dominicans reject presidential re-election, 27.1% favor it and 3.2% refused to respond to the poll. In a country marked by political patronage and where the government is the leading employer, this is a surprising finding. Fernandez has held back from announcing whether he will seek legal mechanisms to enable him to be the PLD's candidate in the 20 May 2012 presidential election. The 2010 Constitution bans presidential re-election.

The percentages for rejection of re-election were 69.3% of respondents in the south, 71.5% in the north, 57.9% in the east and 72% in the Santo Domingo metropolitan area.

As reported in Listin Diario, 57.2% described the performance of the present administration as bad, while 22.6% says it has been good, and 18.9% didn't express an opinion.

Listin Diario political commentator Orlando Gil makes the point that the Gallup Dominican Republic poll carried out 15-19 February is the first that does not include a hypothetical President Leonel Fernandez candidacy in the survey. The 2010 Constitution bans President Fernandez from running, but the head of government has always left open the possibility of finding a loophole given the vertical control of government institutions.

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