View Full Version : DR to the Security Council?

09-21-2006, 07:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has announced his wishes for the Dominican Republic to obtain a seat on the UN's Security Council, and is looking to secure more votes for the election, to take place in November 2007. The Dominican Republic, an original member of the UN, has never been voted on to the temporary Council, and would be the first Caribbean nation to hold a seat. The DR will be challenged by Venezuela, which has received the support of Brazilian President Jose Inacio "Lula" De Silva, while Guatemala has received the support of the United States. The DR has received support from Barbados, and in the next months will be seeking support from European, Asian, Pacific and Middle Eastern nations.
Speaking yesterday at the United Nations, President Fernandez called for the current reforms under way at the United Nations to include the Security Council, the body that takes the political decisions within the organization. "It is our conviction that the Security Council must be expanded, to make it more plural and participatory, with the aim of having more equitable representation from the different regions, as well as of the national interests that prevail in today's world," said President Fernandez. He continued, "Also, there is a need for greater fluidity in the relations between the Security Council and important United Nations organs such as the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

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