View Full Version : Inez Aizpun and Eduardo Garcia Michel

03-01-2011, 03:00 PM
In an editorial and an op-ed piece today, two eminent writers look into the perception that our President might have lost perspective.

Diario Libre focuses on the statement about the ungrateful Dominicans. In his Independence Day speech the President said: "The sun burns with the same intensity that it provides light. The sun has many dark points. Those that are grateful see the light, the ungrateful the dark points."

In her editorial, Inez Aizpun states:

"There are two countries in the President's imagination. One of the ungrateful, that was described in the most recent pastoral letter of the Episcopal Conference and reiterated brilliantly by Monsignor Masalles, and that of the grateful... to the PLD. It is about seeing a class half empty or half full, with the added detail that who is drinking also matters here.

"Fernandez's speech was challenging because the President is offended. He insists on demonstrating that in Education money does not mean quality (it's a fact: Melanio's elevator is proof of that) but without understanding that his words would be credible if we were not descending in the educational ranking every time it is published. If the 4% does not translate to quality, his 1.4%... doesn't either.

"What is the concern? That the President instructed his prosecutor general to fight corruption. He should fire him if he has not done so already! What is left over? The bitter feeling left over when he mentions the ungrateful.

"Discouraging? The obstinacy in educational policies and the incapacity to self-criticize.

"Unacceptable? The blunt manipulation of the Attali report and the self praise for dealing with corruption by creating ethics commissions that have done nothing and laws that his government officials do not heed.

"Results? The "believers" would be enthused. The corrupt, at ease. The economists would mention the Davos reports, and the announcement for the 100th time that the Police would be reformed.

"Why do we have to be grateful that a highway has been fixed, or that two schools were built, or three laws were made? That's their job!"

www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=281537 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=281537)

Economist Eduardo Garcia Michel is more blunt in his op-ed satirical piece in the opinion section of Diario Libre. He writes about a character he calls "The Indispensable", a figure who is above institutions and about his fat courtesans.

"If after all men create the institutions, why become slaves to them? That is what The Indispensable is for: to surpass these, put them aside, or change them if need be, or suppress them, ignore them, go above or below them....

But he warns that the bloated Courtesans and the burgeoning Numbers of the statistics would lose their credibility. In his satire, he comments that The Numbers had gotten so big they did not fit in a bedroom, in a hall or in a house.

In the end, The Numbers and The Courtesans got so bloated that they fell on the head and body of The Indispensable, crushing him and rendering him unrecognizable. And then, there was silence and the applause was silenced, and the coward accusing pointing finger came forth to blame The Indispensable...

www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=281516 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=281516)

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