View Full Version : PRD sets out rules on voters

03-01-2011, 03:00 PM
The "doubtful militancy", in the opinion of at least two members of any voting station during this Sunday's celebration of the PRD nominating convention, will be sufficient to determine the observed votes in this process. In a resolution issued by the National Organizing Commission (CNO) yesterday it was established that if, at the moment of voting two members of the center "feel or express doubts" that a person may be a recognized activist in another party, then that vote would be observed and set aside.

The CNO told Diario Libre that this vote would be included in an envelope together with the Voter Registration Card (cedula) or other document that was used for voting. They warned that if the document was not handed over, the right to vote would be denied. They indicated, moreover, that the envelopes with the observed votes could not be opened by the members of the voting center and that, at the end of the process, they would be sent to the CNO. The commission made it clear that if these votes were a determining factor in deciding the PRD's presidential candidate for the 2012 elections, the vote counting would be the exclusive job of the CNO in the presence of delegates from the candidates and the presence of members of the media who would be invited to attend the vote counting.

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