View Full Version : Saudi prince and Fernandez on refinery

09-22-2006, 04:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez met with Saudi Arabia ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki Al-Faisal, at the New York Palace Hotel yesterday to discuss the practicalities of building a petroleum refinery that would benefit the country and investors wanting to refine crude oil close to the United States market. Diario Libre reports that the refinery would be located in the northern part of the country and would produce some fuel for internal demand and the rest for the US east coast market. Receptive to the idea, the Saudi prince said the construction was feasible as it coincides with the need for petroleum producers to supply the US market with products refined at a geographical position near the US, such as the Dominican Republic.
See http://www.presidencia.gov.do/frontend/articulo.php?id=4537

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