View Full Version : Modernizing customs

09-22-2006, 04:00 PM
The deputy director for Customs Intelligence, Rafael Jimenez, has announced that the customs office will implement the same technology in all Dominican ports that recently helped discover a 2,582-kilo shipment of illegal narcotics through the Multimodal Caucedo port. The American donated x-ray machine, valued at US$ 2 million, is part of the Container Security Initiative, which calls for increased security in the 50 international ports with which the United States does most business. The initiative emphasizes the security of containers for international ports, arriving in the US, and looks to guarantee that they do not enter the United States with nuclear substances or contraband. The Multimodal Caucedo port is the only national and Caribbean port that is in line with the regulations. The system at Multimodal will have a permanent American counterpart monitoring the equipment and ensuring that all requirements are met. Customs Director Miguel Cocco announced that there would be bidding in order to purchase the equipment for all national ports.

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