View Full Version : A Latin American Noble Prize

03-03-2011, 04:10 PM
CNN en Espanol star journalist Patricia Janiot is in Santo Domingo to promote the Innovadores de America Prize. The award seeks to recognize innovative Latin American projects that have changed the world. The focus is on social development, entrepreneurial, cultural and scientific projects that through great creativity and effort have helped make a better world. The prize seeks to launch modern heroes who can become role models.

"Innovators of America promotes a new Latin American innovation culture in order to share, transmit and disseminate the creative Latin America spirit," says the organizers.

The award will consist of US$40,000 for each winner of the following categories: Education, Science and Technology, Design, Sustainability and Ecology, Community Development, and Enterprise and Industry.

The Innovators of America Prize was created by Innovamerica Inc. With headquarters in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, it is the institution responsible for the general organization, promotion and implementation of the award. Innovamerica legally incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, USA, under the registration number 4490423 of April 18, 2008, is formed by the Grupo Pages (main partners of Pages BBDO in the Dominican Republic), Patricia Janiot (anchorwoman for CNN en Espanol), Gustavo Sorzano (artist, humanist, and creator of the award) and Aldo Espinosa (consultant for institutional strengthening for projects related to justice and corruption).

The award is open to Latin American individuals, groups or organizations that have innovative projects. The rules state that individuals, or companies, need to have been born in Latin America. Nevertheless, children of Latin Americans residing outside the region may apply. The application form is available at http://innovadoresdeamerica.org/app/en/introduccion.aspx

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