View Full Version : Maria Ugarte - in memoriam

03-07-2011, 02:50 PM
Cultural writer Maria Ugarte's contributions to the Dominican Republic were highlighted on Saturday, after she died on Friday. Ugarte, who was 97, had spent nine days in intensive care following a stroke.

Her only daughter Carmenchu Brusiloff spoke of the example her mother had set and described how she was the first person to write about the value of the Colonial City, planting the seeds for this awareness among Dominicans. Her mother was a major researcher into the history of these monuments at a time when the Colonial City was in an almost total state of neglect. She is also recognized as the editor of the cultural supplement of El Caribe. Ugarte had three grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Spanish-born Ugarte, a naturalized Dominican, came to the DR in 1940 and chose to make it her home.

Juan Daniel Balcacer, vice president of the Dominican Academy of History stressed her "invaluable" contributions to creating an awareness of Dominican culture and recalled that Ugarte was the first woman to be a member of the Academy.

Rafael Molina Morillo, her work colleague at El Caribe, recalled how Maria Ugarte was a teacher, guide and professional mom of many journalists to the end of her days, as reported in Hoy.

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