View Full Version : Too many jobs in government

09-25-2006, 05:20 PM
The Federation of Industry Associations (FAI) is proposing that the government reduce the number of "botellas" in government. "Botella" is Dominican slang for a job that is created for the sole purpose of rewarding political loyalty. The FAI says that the large number of these jobs is an "unimaginable obstacle" to the country's development. They form part of an unproductive government bureaucracy, they create unnecessary red tape, and divert resources from areas where they are truly needed, such as education and health, for the country to be competitive. In a press release, the FAI says that it is alarming that 60% of the jobs on the Ministry of Education payroll are for clerks, not teachers. It also expresses concern at the fact that the CDEEE maintains the same number of jobs that it had before it was privatized. "The government cannot continue to allow taxpayer money to be drained by these parasitical payrolls. We call on President Leonel Fernandez to fulfill the promise he made in his inaugural speech to adjust the government payroll to what is strictly necessary," it stresses.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)