View Full Version : Local industries and pharmaceuticals

09-25-2006, 05:20 PM
Leading industrial organizations publish a paid letter in today's papers, expressing their support for the Dominican pharmaceutical industry. The organizations urge the Dominican government to maintain its position on the pharmaceutical industry and the implementation of DR-CAFTA. As is understood, the strong US pharmaceutical industry has lobbied for changes to be made to the already-signed and ratified DR-CAFTA prior to its implementation. The DR Industrialists Association (AIRD), the Haina Industries Association (AIEHaina), the Dominican Textile Industries Association (ADITEX), the Dominican Footwear Association (ADOCALZA), the National Association of Sweets Manufacturers (ASODULCE), the Small and Medium-Sized Flour Manufacturers Union (UMPIG), the Soft Drink Producers Association (ASIBEGAS), the Federation of Industrial Associations (FAI), the Herrera Industries Association (AEIH), the Water Bottlers Association (ADEAGUA), the Dominican Graphic Industries Association (ADIGA), the Bonao Sweets Manufacturers Association (AFADULCE), the Furniture Manufacturers Association (ASONAIMCO), are standing strongly behind the Dominican Pharmaceutical Industries Association (INFADOMI) position. The impasse is one of the few obstacles to the implementation of DR-CAFTA, planned for November 2006.

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