View Full Version : Puerto Plata calls for its wharf

03-09-2011, 03:50 PM
As the wharfs in Puerto Plata continue to deteriorate, the political promises to fix them come and go with disheartening rhythm, and the situation just gets worse. According to El Caribe, the 6.5 earthquake of 22 September 2003 seriously damaged the structures, both the "new" wharf and the "old" wharf - built in the 1920s - to the extent that some of the rebar used in their construction is now visible through gaps in the surfaces.

Although reporters were prevented from taking pictures "due to security issues" they did discover that more than 150 organizations have joined forces in the Pro-Port Committee to demand that the government repair the structures. Committee president Jose Arismendy Polanco told the reporters that the port employees run the risk of seeing the entire structure collapse under the weight of the cargo that is off-loaded from the ships. The situation is also reflected in the tourist sector; reporters were reminded that during the 1980s, at least seven cruise ships a week used to dock in Puerto Plata.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)