View Full Version : Challenge for Manuel Garcia Arevalo

03-10-2011, 04:10 PM
Writing in today's Diario Libre, economist Gustavo Volmar comments on the difficulties ahead for Manuel Garcia Arevalo, the retired Dominican businessman now hired to lead the industrial and commercial sector of the Dominican Republic. He observes that the Ministry should be called the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, given the prevalence of commerce and the lagging industrial sector in the DR. He also comments that over the years the Ministry of Industry and Commerce has suffered from the creation of independent government departments that have taken on roles that previously belonged to the Ministry and given extensive budgets. He mentions Centro de Exportacion e Inversiones (exports and investments), Promipyme (small and medium-sized business), Centro de Desarrollo de Competitividad Industrial n Proindustria (industrial development), Consejo Nacional de Competitividad (competitiveness), Ministry of Foreign Relations (trade agreements), Comision Nacional de Energia (energy), among others. "To coordinate and direct this institutional apparatus is not an easy task. We hope the new minister will be able to do so."

President Leonel Fernandez swore in the new minister at the Presidential Palace yesterday, prior to the opening of the Council of Ministers session to study measures that need to be taken to deal with the increasing cost of petroleum.

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