View Full Version : Ambassador calls for unity to fight drugs

03-10-2011, 04:10 PM
Government corruption, organized crime and drug trafficking are the three main obstacles to the strengthening of democratic institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, said Mexican ambassador Enrique Loaeza Tovar during a meeting with Chamber of Deputies president Abel Martinez in Congress yesterday, as reported in Hoy. He criticized drug trafficking as a brutal and destructive evil that threatens societies and moves great amounts of money that are used to permeate government institutions. He called for the Caribbean and Latin America to join forces to confront drug trafficking so that it does not continue to affect government institutions. Abel Martinez will be attending the IV World Conference of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) in Mexico this week. GOPAC is an international network of parliamentarians dedicated to good governance and combating corruption throughout the world. www.gopacnetwork.org/main_en.htm (http://www.gopacnetwork.org/main_en.htm)

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